No em toquis la llengua
The richness of language
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona commissioned us with creating and developing a self-confirming campaign to promote the knowledge and use of Catalan in the academic world under the motto “No em toquis la llengua” (Don’t touch my language). With this campaign, UAB wishes to be explicit about its commitment to defending the presence of Catalan in teaching and investigation. “No em toquis la llengua” is also an inspirational and pedagogical initiative which seeks to draw attention to the richness of the Catalan language through genuinely inherent and unique words which can be found all over the campus on banners, posters, and flags, as well as merchandising and participatory activities.
The most beautiful words of the Catalan language can be seen throughout the university campus, printed on a variety of carriers, such as banners, posters, digital billboards, and flags.
The campaign includes its own merchandising. A collection of various pieces created in a humorous tone with the help of funny adjectives, for instance “Borinot” (bumblebee), “Torracollons” (nagger/pain in the ass), and “Bandarra” (scoundrel), which in light of the campaign theme “No em toquis la llengua” obtain a clearly self-confirming meaning.